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General conditions
The following General Conditions regulate the purchase of products offered through the web site www.novaimport.com, property of Novaimport Empordà, SLU, with NIF B17753146, registered office at ctra. d'Orriols a l'Escala, km. 16,6 17137 Viladamat and e-mail address novaimpoert@novaimport.com; from now on, the "COMPANY".
In this document we will refer to the "USER", who is the natural person who acquires the product offered through the web, and the "COMPANY", which is us.
Les activitats s'adquireixen directament a L'EMPRESA qui actua com a venedor directe, per tant el contracte de venda de les activitats es realitza entre L'USUARI i L'EMPRESA.
The USER must read and accept these General Conditions and the information on the products he/she wants to buy before proceeding with the purchase. This acceptance will be made expressly by clicking on the box "I have read and accept the general conditions", which will appear during the purchase process. By doing so, the USER confirms that he/she is of legal age and has the legal capacity to acquire the products offered by the COMPANY.
When the purchase is formalised, it will be understood that it has been perfected in its own right and from this moment on the prices and conditions will be of a contractual nature and may only be modified by express agreement between the contracting parties.
The COMPANY will file the electronic document in which the contract is formalized during one year and during this period the USER may obtain a copy of it.
The USER is obliged for all purposes to use the website and, if appropriate, to acquire the products offered by the COMPANY in accordance with the law and with the provisions of these General Conditions.
The COMPANY reserves the right to remove from the website any comment or opinion of the USER that is contrary to the law, especially in cases where the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals are violated.
L'USUARI seleccionarà al web els activitats que desitgi adquirir i el nombre d'unitats, i si n'hi ha, els serveis complementaris opcionals de l'activitat. L'USUARI ha de tenir en compte que les activitats ho són per a una data determinada, sense possibilitats de canvis, ni cancel·lacions, ni possibilitat de desistiment, tal com s'explica en el punt 3 d'aquestes Condicions Generals. Els preus indicats en pantalla són en euros i són els vigents, excepte error tipogràfic, amb indicació de la inclusió o no dels impostos aplicables.
The USER must fill in the form with his/her data in order to process the order, click on the "Continue" section to proceed with the purchase of the products and expressly accept these general conditions. On the following page, the USER will be shown a summary of the products he/she wishes to purchase, their price, all applicable taxes, shipping costs and the expected delivery time. Before clicking on the "Pay" section, the USER may make any changes he/she considers appropriate. Once the USER accesses the "Pay" section, he/she must enter the details of the credit card with which he/she is going to make the payment or the details of his/her PayPal account and accept the payment. The security technology used on this website is SSL.
Within 24 hours of receiving the order, the COMPANY will send an email to the USER'S e-mail address to acknowledge receipt of the order and confirm the purchase made. The contract will not be considered to be concluded until the COMPANY receives the payment of the price of the products.
If the USER wants an invoice, he may get it by asking the COMPANY by email.
L'USUARI serà responsable de la veracitat de les dades personals facilitades a L'EMPRESA, i en particular es responsabilitza que les targetes de crèdit o dèbit que utilitzi siguin de la seva propietat i que comptin amb fons suficients per cobrir el cost de les activitats que vulgui adquirir. L'EMPRESA es reserva el dret a cancel·lar la venda en cas de no pagament, de devolució del cobrament, de targeta denegada o dades falses, o en cas que no pugui verificar les dades de la targeta. Així mateix, L'USUARI ha de notificar a L'EMPRESA a través del correu electrònic, qualsevol càrrec indegut o fraudulent a la targeta utilitzada per a compres al web tan aviat com tingui coneixement.
L'Art. 103 apartat l) del Reial Decret Legislatiu 1/2007, de 16 de novembre, pel qual s'aprova el text refós de la Llei General per a la Defensa dels Consumidors i Usuaris i altres lleis complementàries, estableix com a excepció al dret de desistiment previst en l'Art. 102 de l'esmentada norma, ''el subministrament de serveis d'allotjament per a finalitats diferents del de servir d'habitatge, transport de béns, lloguer de vehicles, menjar o serveis relacionats amb activitats d'esplai, si els contractes preveuen una data o un període d'execució específics.''
Aquesta web ofereix serveis d'esplai amb una data d'execució específica, pel que no és aplicable el dret de desistiment.
For any communication, incident or claim, the USER can send a notification to the COMPANY to its e-mail address.
If any clause included in these general conditions is declared, totally or partially, null or ineffective, such nullity or ineffectiveness will affect only that clause or the part of it that is null or ineffective, and the rest of the General Conditions will subsist.
Any notification or requirement that must be made by the parties in relation to the contracting of products or to these General Conditions must be made in writing and will be understood to have been duly made if it has been sent to the e-mail address that the other party has indicated for this purpose.
These General Conditions shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Spain.
THE COMPANY reserves the right to make changes at any time to our website, as well as these General Conditions. The changes of essential elements will not affect the contracts already stipulated, unless the USER has expressly accepted the modified conditions.
Online dispute resolution in accordance with Art. 14.1 of Regulation (EU) 524/2013: The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform, which is available at the following link: https://www.boe.es/buscar/doc.php?id=DOUE-L-2013-81182
The COMPANY reserves the right to make changes at any time to its website, as well as to these general conditions. The changes of essential elements will not affect the contracts already stipulated, unless the USER has expressly accepted the modified conditions.